If you have height safety equipment installed on your building, it’s important to get audits, inspections and reports done regularly to ensure that your business complies with current Australian standards and legislative requirements. Working at height is high-risk, so having equipment that is functional, safe and in good condition is essential for the health and safety of your workers.
At Proactive Safety, we are here to make sure your business has everything in place to keep workers safe. We do this by completing audits, inspections and reports for businesses in both the Sydney and Melbourne areas.
Height Safety Inspections
Our experts in height safety are fully qualified to complete an extensive height safety inspection on your building. In this inspection, we’ll investigate what kind of work is being conducted, what height it’s undertaken at, and identify any potential hazards. We will also assess the awareness and capability of the staff undertaking and supervising these tasks to ensure they’re able to do the job safely.
As part of the inspection, we’ll also assess all equipment involved in your height safety system including roof anchors, harnesses, PPE, roof walkways and more.
Australian Standards require equipment to be checked regularly to make sure they’re approved, accredited and in working order.

Height Safety Reporting
At the end of the inspection process, you will receive a height safety report that outlines our findings. This may include recommendations to make your system safer, so that you can be confident you have the best structure in place to protect your workers, contractors and your business.
If there is room for improvement, the team of height safety consultants at Proactive Safety can provide you with the necessary equipment to keep your system safe and functional.
We are experts in system design, installation, recertification, maintenance and more, and can work with you long-term to come up with the best height safety solution for your business.