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Height Safety Certification & Maintenance

Proactive Safety Certification and Maintenance

If you’ve had a height safety system installed, it’s crucial to have certification, recertification and maintenance completed regularly. This ensures that your system is up to the latest safety standards, protecting those at work as well as your company as a whole. In Australia, you are required under the Australian Standards and Worksafe regulations to have annual inspections to ensure your system is in working order.

Certification & Recertification Process

Proactive safety offers certification on all our newly installed systems. We can also offer recertification of existing systems. Whether your height safety system is newly installed or well established, the ongoing inspection of components is crucial and is required to maintain a compliant system.

Proactive Safety offers both certification and recertification services. Some of the things we do during this process include:

Test componentry and proof load if required
Check fixings & seal integrity, fittings and harness gear
Update system signage, service tags attached if necessary

Proactive Safety’s certification and recertification teams ensure that your systems are continuously maintained and certified in order to meet all regulatory and compliance requirements.

Ongoing Maintenance

Ongoing Maintenance

Keeping your roof safety system maintained is vitally important when it comes to preventing workplace accidents. The equipment you have in place must be up to scratch in order to be recertified. When we complete our height safety inspections, we may recommend making some improvements, and sometimes maintenance is necessary.

The team at Proactive Safety are completely qualified, experienced and insured to complete maintenance on height safety systems across Sydney and Melbourne. By working with our team, you can remain confident that your height safety system, and by extension, your workers and business, are in good hands.

Why is recertification & maintenance necessary


Working at a height is a high-risk activity and can be very dangerous when the proper measures aren’t put into place.

Having a height safety system isn’t a ‘set and forget’ situation. All systems are required to have recertification completed annually at minimum under Australian Law.

These inspections ensure that your system is safe, fully operational, and can continue to be used. You must be certified, or recertified, in order to continue using the systems.

Why Proactive Safety?

The certification, recertification and maintenance teams at Proactive Safety are highly experienced, qualified, and are passionate about your safety. In addition to completing inspections, we also design and install height safety systems, so we know them inside and out. Our extensive range of services allows us to partner with businesses, handling every aspect of their height safety situation with expertise and confidence.

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